
Update 29 April 2020

The world is still in the grips of the Corona virus, but it appears that in many countries (including the Netherlands) the worst has passed. However, there are still reasons to be cautious and the economic consequences will be very large. Maybe it is a sign of the times that while Corona still dominates the news, I have actually managed to find two news items that are not Corona-related:

  • High mortality rates in Dutch nursing homes confirmed. What will be the financial consequences for the sector?
  • Overall Dutch economy in steep decline, but major bank believes that the healthcare sector will grow. Is this good news?
  • Unilabs acquisition of Saltro completed. Will there be more consolidation in the diagnostics sector?
  • Supplier of mobility aids is bankrupt. Bankruptcy not due to Corona

Update 15 April 2020

All news still seems to be about Corona, and worldwide the number of people struggling with the consequences of the disease and the number of deaths related to Corona is still increasing. The only “good” news seems to be that in the countries that were the early targets of the virus the worst seems to have passed and society is slowly being opened up.

Here in the Netherlands the number of people being admitted to hospitals due to Corona seems to have peaked and discussions have started up concerning how the country can be “opened up” again.  Key news that will have long-term consequences for the (commercial) healthcare sector are:

  • Hidden disaster in nursing homes as Corona-related deaths increase. What will be the long-term consequences for the sector?
  • Financial directors in the healthcare sector expect hard times. Will important investments be delayed?

Update 1 April 2020

Since my last update the world has more or less stopped and there is no news to report from the Netherlands that is not Corona-related:

  • Bergman Clinics have closed all non-critical activities. What will happen to the sales process?
  • The Government and banks will provide financial support to the Dutch healthcare sector. How will organizations cope?
  • Report highlights secondary effects of Corona crisis. What will be the effects on healthcare organizations and patients?

Update 17 March 2020

We are living in crazy times. I am sure that you are all sharing my worries about both the present and the future. At the moment we cannot do anything but follow set rules and suggested advice. Let us do our utmost best to support the front-line healthcare worker dealing with the direct effects of the corona virus. One of the best ways  to do this is to stay healthy and make sure that you do not do anything that can spread the virus. Keep strong!

Even though it seems that the world is stopping this is luckily not the case, and there is actually interesting news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector:

  • Bergman Clinics still open for business. What will happen to the sales process?
  • Private equity the key driver for acquisitions in the Dutch healthcare market. Will interest continue to grow?
  • Orpea makes new acquisition. Who is now the market leader?
  • Key judgement makes provision of long-term care more attractive. Will there be more activity in the sector?
  • In our snapshot we provide an overview of the TopzorgGroep, a chain of physiotherapy providers

Update 17 March 2020

We are living in crazy times. I am sure that you are all sharing my worries about both the present and the future. At the moment we cannot do anything but follow set rules and suggested advice. Let us do our utmost best to support the front-line healthcare worker dealing with the direct effects of the corona virus. One of the best ways  to do this is to stay healthy and make sure that you do not do anything that can spread the virus. Keep strong!

Even though it seems that the world is stopping this is luckily not the case, and there is actually interesting news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector:

  • Bergman Clinics still open for business. What will happen to the sales process?
  • Private equity the key driver for acquisitions in the Dutch healthcare market. Will interest continue to grow?
  • Orpea makes new acquisition. Who is now the market leader?
  • Key judgement makes provision of long-term care more attractive. Will there be more activity in the sector?
  • In our snapshot we provide an overview of the TopzorgGroep, a chain of physiotherapy providers

Update 3 March 2020

Yesterday in the morning we actually had some snow, but it disappeared quite quickly. Was this the winter of 19/20? In this update there is news on a broad range of items:

  • Little news about the sales process for Bergman Clinics in the last few weeks, but their Dutch business is doing well. Good news for the sales process?
  • Background for stopped hospital merger explained. What is the future hold for the Langeland hospital?
  • The Dutch Healthcare Authority provides overview of recent merger and acquisitions in the Dutch healthcare sector. Will their wish for an expanded role have consequences?

Update 18 February 2020

Last week we had Storm Ciara and in the weekend Storm Dennis crossed the country and apparently Storm Ellen is on her way. No real winter temperatures, but certainly winter winds. In this update a lot of news this time on acquisitions and planned sales.

  • Bergman Clinics in the news. To be acquired or looking for a new investor?
  • Korian is now the largest commercial provider in the Dutch elderly care market. What will Orpea do?
  • Dutch maternity care sector. Crisis or opportunity?

Update 4 February 2020

Winter is refusing to come here to the Netherlands. Temperatures are refusing to go below 10 degrees, but it is cold and windy. I hope that you are all either enjoying a real winter or having nice weather. In this update we cover:

  • Clinic specializing in breast cancer opens second location. Success after rocky start?
  • Another hospital merger is stopped. Is the transformation of the hospital sector moving into a new phase?
  • Healthcare insurance companies to be given more flexibility. Will this be good for innovation?

Update 21 January 2020

I hope that you are all up to speed again and are enjoying the winter weather. In this update we cover:

  • Health insurance company refusing to support hospital in financial problems. Will another hospital be closed?
  • Private equity makes new investments in healthcare sector. Who will be the next target?
  • Investments in healthcare real estate pass € one billion mark.  Will growth continue?

Update 8 January 2020

I hope that you have all enjoyed your vacations and have had a good start to the new decade. In this update we cover:

  • Commercial provider of outpatient mental healthcare services is bankrupt. How attractive is the sector?
  • New report for Dutch government suggests that nursing home capacity in the Netherlands must be doubled. Who will build the new capacity?
  • Trend toward multi-year contracts between insurance companies and operators is continuing. Good news for everybody?

Update 10 December 2019

Welcome back to another update on what is going on in the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Growing waiting lists for nursing homes. Who will build and operate the required new capacity?
  • Continuing bad press for Ontzorgd Wonen. Bad luck or structural problems?
  • Court cases and closures. Are traditional operators becoming more business-oriented?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of Ontzorgd Wonen a large supplier of nursing homes that we have written about extensively in the past

Update 26 November 2019

Welcome back to another update on what is going on in the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Dutch healthcare sector expected to continue strong growth
  • Dokter Bosman saved. Investor and creditors have reached a deal
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of a large but unknown dentistry chain (Rietrae Group).



Update 12 November 2019

Here in the Netherlands the Christmas decorations have now come up. It appears that this happens earlier every year. In the Dutch healthcare sector, a number of interesting things have been happening in the last few weeks. In this update we cover:

  • Another acquisition in the laboratory sector highlights the possibility of acquiring non-profit foundations
  • National chain of psychological care providers in financial problems. What does this say about the sector?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of DigiContact, a provider of back-up care for organizations providing long-term care

Update 31 October 2019

Happy Halloween for any of you who happen to celebrate it. Another example of American traditions conquering the world. In the Dutch healthcare sector a number of interesting things have been happening in the last few weeks. In this update we cover:

  • German chain of eye clinics moves into the Dutch market. Will more acquisitions follow?
  • Rehabilitation sector negatively in the news. Is the sector attractive for foreign investors?
  • Tradition provider of elderly care starts commercial franchise organization. Is this the start of a new wave of cooperation between non-profit and for-profit players in the sector?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of Eyescan, the chain being acquired by Ober Scharrer Gruppe

Update 15 October 2019

It is official, it is now autumn. The days are getting shorter and wetter and the winter duvet has been placed on the bed. In this update we cover:

  • Dutch long-term disabled and psychiatric care sector popular with foreign investors. Will more companies follow the lead of Orpea and Reseau Abilis?
  • New laws to be introduced to limit fraud and excessive profits in the Dutch healthcare sector. What will be the effects on foreign investors?
  • ADG sells staffing company focusing on the healthcare sector. Is it leaving the sector?
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