
Update 2 July 2024

Update 2 July 2024

Finally, summer has arrived here in the Netherlands. We have had a number of (very) hot days and the beach, lakes, parks and outdoor cafes have been packed with people catching the rays and enjoying the nice weather. The news relating to the Dutch healthcare sector the last few weeks has mainly been about Co-Med, but there is also other news. This update covers the following news items:

  • Further consolidation in the occupational healthcare sector. Who will be next?
  • Growth in healthcare-related acquisition involving private equity. Will the trend continue?
  • Co-Med has announced that it is entering voluntary bankruptcy. What are the consequences for primary care in the Netherlands?

Update 18 June 2024

Update 18 June 2024

Last week I was in London for the HBI 2024 conference and had the pleasure of meeting many of you. It was three days of interesting presentations and discussions, and good opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new friends. I am looking forward to Paris in 2025. Back in the Netherlands there is news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • Co-Med has survived a bankruptcy hearing but is facing new challenges. Will it survive?
  • Further consolidation in the laboratory sector. Who will be next?
  • Compulsory disability insurance for independent workers comes closer. Will other reforms for the occupational healthcare sector be implemented?
  • Potential sale of medical aesthetics company. Another sector that will be consolidated?

Update 4 June 2024

Update 4 June 2024

Another update on the Dutch healthcare sector after another wonderful weekend. This time the trip went to Trieste and Istria. Beautiful countryside, good food and wonderful wines with good friends. Back in the Netherlands there is news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • Co-Med is approaching bankruptcy. What are the consequences for Dutch primary healthcare?
  • More power to the Dutch competition authority and limitations on new contracts from insurance companies. Is the Netherlands becoming less favorable for companies investing in healthcare?
  • Ongoing move toward multi-year contracts with the insurance companies. Is this good news?

Update 21 May 2024

Update 21 May 2024

In my previous update I wrote about the first days of summers here in the Netherlands. Last weekend I also had the unique pleasure of enjoying four days of beautiful weather in England. I hope that this was not the full extent of summer in that exceptionally beautiful country. Here in the Netherlands there is news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • After six months we have a new government. What are the likely consequences for the healthcare sector?
  • The number of people taking voluntary healthcare insurance is declining. What does this mean for different sub-sectors of the healthcare market?
  • More acquisitions in the healthcare sector. What are possible reasons for the continuing popularity of Dutch healthcare companies?
  • In a new snapshot we give an overview of Sandstep Healthcare, a developer of specialized clinics

Update 7 May 2024

Update 7 May 2024

As I am writing this we have the first day of what feels like summer. Lots of sun and temperatures north of 25C. Finally. There is also news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • Active M&A in the Dutch healthcare sector. Who will be next?
  • Alternative to commercial primary care chains get financing from healthcare insurance company. Will this help to stabilize the sector?
  • Absenteeism in Dutch healthcare sector is declining. Will this improve margins for the healthcare providers?

Update 23 April 2024

Update 23 April 2024

Rain, rain, rain, and a bit of cold is essentially the story of spring so far. While spring is forcing us to wait, there is still news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • More problems for commercial primary care chains. Is Co-Med heading towards bankruptcy?
  • IT providers to the healthcare sector enjoying “excessive” profits. Can the government do anything to limit profits?
  • EY report on the role of private equity in the Dutch healthcare sector. Good news or bad news?

Update 2 April 2024

Update 2 April 2024

I hope that you have all had a nice Easter weekend (for those of you in Norway – an Easter week). This update covers the following news items:

  • An overview of commercial primary-care practices. How large a factor are they in the market?
  • More hospitals are starting with specialized clinics to meet competition from commercial chains. What are the likely consequences?
  • New system for financing medical home care. How will it work?

Update 19 March 2024

Update 19 March 2024

Welcome back to another update on the Dutch healthcare sector. Spring is in the air, and there is news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • General practitioners worried about the growth of commercial nursing homes. What are they worried about and what are the potential consequences?
  • Healthcare regulators want more control over commercial primary care chains. What are the key reasons?
  • More than 20% of Dutch healthcare providers expect to report losses for 2023. What does the future look like?

Update 6 March 2024

Update 6 March 2024

I hope that you are doing well. Here in the Netherlands it has been the wettest February since 1995, so there is enough water in the canals. The good news is that spring is in the air, and even the die-hards have given up the hope of an elfstedentocht. Except for the weather, there is also news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. This update covers the following news items:

  • A report from ABN Amro on the dental care sector. What are the key trends?
  • Providers of closed juvenile healthcare in financial problems. Will shutting down the current system solve key problems?
  • Dutch hospital will receive €200 million lump-sum payments each of the following five years from insurance companies. How will the money be used?

Update 20 February 2024

Update 20 February 2024

It has been quiet in the Dutch healthcare sector the last few weeks, so this update has a focus on changes in the financing of some key services:

  • New payment structures for geriatric rehab and short-term stay for the elderly. Will they make these services more attractive for operators
  • Disabled care sector wins court case against healthcare insurance companies. Will this help the sector?

Update 6 February 2024

Update 6 February 2024

February has had a strange start as it sometimes feels like spring is in the air. However, colder weather is expected later in the month, and, as always, the Dutch are dreaming about another “elf steden tocht”. This is a 200 km ice skating event in Friesland that requires an extended period of fairly intense freezing weather to get ice that is sufficiently thick to carry the load of participants and viewers. The last one was held in 1997, but even with global warming the Dutch are hopeful every winter.

From the Dutch healthcare sector there is news about:

  • Regional hospitals have their own brand to compete against commercial clinics. Are they succeeding?
  • The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) wants more power. What will be the consequences for “buy and build” strategies?
  • Study looking at effects of private equity on the healthcare sector. Will private equity investments be forbidden?

Update 23 January 2024

Update 23 January 2024

I hope that you have had a good start to the new year. Welcome back to a (delayed) update on key activities, plans and transactions in the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • New combination to develop one hundred clustered senior living locations. Will they succeed?
  • Follow-up on surprising election results. What will be the likely consequences for the Dutch healthcare sector?
  • Unclear financing of key aspects of Dutch elderly care. Who will pay?
  • In a new snapshot we give an overview of Centrum Oosterwal, a small chain of specialist clinics.

Update 5 December 2023

Update 5 December 2023

Today is 5 December. This is the Dutch version of Christmas with an exchange of gifts. Typically, each person gets one gift, and the gift has to be accompanied by a poem explaining why the person is getting the gift. Even though everybody has been busy buying gifts and writing poems, there is still news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Surprising election results. Good news for the healthcare sector?
  • Healthcare insurance companies are a key component of the Dutch healthcare system. Will there be consolidation in the sector?
  • Hospital profitability improved. Will the trend continue?
  • Two acquisitions by Co-Med blocked. What is happening in the primary sector?

Update 21 November 2023

Update 21 November 2023

Tomorrow the elections for the Dutch parliament are being held. Exciting times as big changes are likely with two new political parties expected to do very well. In addition to politics, there is also other news from the Dutch healthcare sector:

  • Clarian / Korian in process of restructuring balance sheet. Will it sell its Dutch activities?
  • Dutch Competition Authority wants to expand remit to smaller acquisitions in the healthcare sector. What are possible consequences?
  • DORC for sale. Will other Dutch healthcare companies follow?

Update 7 November 2023

Update 7 November 2023

Here in the Netherlands the elections are getting closer, and television is filled with debates between the political parties and politicians presenting their viewpoints on talk shows. As we will touch on below, there are also potential effects on the Dutch healthcare sector of the various promises being made by the political parties. In addition, there is also other news from the Dutch healthcare sector:

  • Orpea is working on public image. Will charm offensive work?
  • Operators in the mental healthcare sector are facing financial challenges. Will their situation improve?
  • Election-related promises to increase healthcare costs. When will politicians dare to present the bad news?
  • In a new snapshot we give an overview of Keizer Kliniek, a mid-sized chain of specialist clinics.
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