
Update 28 February 2023

Update 28 February 2023

Welcome back to another update on the Dutch healthcare sector. Here in the Netherlands we have had a typical February with winter refusing to let go but with some days that are beautiful and smell of spring. In this update we cover:

  • Capacity for rehab-care reduced as supplier stops. Will tariffs be increased?
  • Actief Zorg continues buying spree. Will it sell part of a recent acquisition?
  • Philips stops activities in e-health solutions. Can multinationals be successful in this space?
  • Overview of promising Dutch healthcare start-up: Ksyos, a “digital hospital”

Update 7 February 2023

Update 7 February 2023

Welcome back to another update on the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Tariffs for mental healthcare services to be increased in 2026. Is this soon enough?
  • Major disabled care provider in financial problems (still). Are the issues temporary or are they structural?
  • Government organizations to investigate threats and benefits of commercial providers of primary care. What will happen to innovation in the sector?
  • Overview of promising Dutch healthcare start-ups : Thirona, a developer of AI-assisted pulmonary care

Update 24 January 2023

Update 24 January 2023

As I am writing this there a (very) thin layer of snow on the ground and the temperature is low. Maybe we will still have some winter in the Netherlands. As always, there is news from the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Record investments in healthcare real estate in 2022. Will there be further growth in 2023?
  • Planned growth in elderly capacity not in line with (ambitious) targets. How will the shortfall be met?
  • Healthcare companies pessimistic abut expected 2022 financial results. What will 2023 look like?

Update 10 January 2023

Update 10 January 2023

I hope that you have had a nice break for Christmas and New Year, and a good start to 2023. As expected, here in the Netherlands New Years Eve was wet and windy. As always, there is news from the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Commercial provider of primary care in trouble. What will happen to the sector?
  • Move towards multi-year contracts for long-term care providers. Which problems will this solve?
  • Rehab sector in financial problems (still). Will the government and healthcare insurance companies step in?
  • Disabled care sector has come through the corona years with limited damage. What are the new challenges facing the sector?

Update 20 December 2022

Update 20 December 2022

As I am writing this, we are having freezing weather here in the Netherlands and there is even some snow on the ground. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will remain until Christmas. Everybody seems to be busy setting up Christmas trees and buying gifts so work-related activities are starting to slow down. However, there is still news to report from the Dutch healthcare sector:

  • Waiting lists for clients requiring nursing home care have doubled in 2022. How does this fit with government plans not to finance additional nursing home capacity?
  • It is that time of the year again. Why does the Dutch system lead to waiting lists at the end of each year?
  • Hospital merger to take finally take place. Is a hospital still a hospital if all complex care is removed?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of a niche in the Dutch dental care market

Update 29 November 2022

Update 29 November 2022

I hope that you are well and getting used to the darker and colder days of winter. In this update on the Dutch healthcare sector we cover:

  • New payment model for psychiatric care leads to problems for the large, traditional operators. What about the commercial operators?
  • Housing associations prepared to play a role in developing senior living but await actions from other organizations. How can impasse be broken?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of Viroclinics DDL, a Dutch diagnostics company

Update 15 November 2022

Update 15 November 2022

Here in the Netherlands the weather is a strange mixture of beautiful sunny days and days with non-stop rain and wind. However, temperatures are high and gas consumption is low. In this update we cover:

  • Bergman Clinics signs another multi-year contract with an insurance company. Is this yet another sign of specialized clinics becoming an integral part of the Dutch healthcare sector?
  • Clients for light homecare will pay an own contribution based on income. Is this a first step in limiting use of these services?
  • Director of the NZA (Dutch Healthcare Authorities) claims that the sector needs total overhaul to meet ongoing challenges. Is her thinking in line with that of the government?

Update 1 November 2022

Update 1 November 2022

Here in the Netherlands the weather is still quite pleasant and gas usage is low. Let us hope that this continues and eases any issues we will face due to the limitations placed on gas imports from Russia. In this update we cover:

  • Study highlights that specialized clinics have a positive effect on the Dutch healthcare sector. Will this help improve the overall situation of the commercial specialist clinics in the overall Dutch healthcare system?
  • Bleak financial future for traditional Dutch elderly care operators. Will the government help?
  • Senior living locations can help reduce the pressure on healthcare staffing. What can the government do to increase the roll-out speed of new locations?

Update 19 October 2022

Update 19 October 2022

I am just back from a great vacation in Greece with a fantastic combination of walking in the mountains, meeting old friends and being lazy on a beach. In the meantime, the Dutch healthcare sector has not stood still. In this update we cover:

  • Buurtzorg expands into nursing homes. Will this be as successful as their homecare activities?
  • Government announces sixty opportunities for reducing healthcare costs. Can they be implemented?
  • A recent report highlights the Dutch healthcare real estate market as very attractive. What does this mean for potential new entrants?

Update 20 September 2022

Update 20 September 2022

The first signs of autumn are appearing. The days are getting shorter and there is a certain crispness to the air. As much as I enjoy summer (when it is not too hot) I also quite like the changing seasons. I hope that you are also enjoying the new season.

There are many things happening in the Dutch healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Issues in the homecare sector. How does this fit with the Government’s plans to restructure healthcare?
  • 2021 was a good financial year for the healthcare sector. Will this continue?
  • Planned restructuring of Dutch healthcare sector meets resistance. What will be the next steps?

Update 1 September 2022

Update 1 September 2022

From the automatic replies I see that many of you were still on vacation when I sent out my previous update. I assume that now schools have started and that most of you will be back in the office and ready for new challenges. Here in the Netherlands most people are now back from holidays and there is news from the healthcare sector. In this update we cover:

  • Another hospitals with financial problems. Will this be a repeat of the hospital bankruptcies of 2018?
  • Sanquin sells another subsidiary. What will be next piece of family silver to be sold?
  • Personal budgets can still be used for the provision of live-in care. Why is this important?
  • Technology update – Old technologies refuse to die

Update 17 August 2022

Update 17 August 2022

Many of you are now probably back from your well-deserved vacations. I hope that you have enjoyed your time away from the office. Here in the Netherlands many people are still on vacation, but there is still news to report. In this update we cover:

  • Avinty sold to Main Capital. Will there be further consolidation in the Dutch healthcare IT-sector?
  • Private equity focuses on veterinary services. Will the sector face the same process as the dental care sector?
  • Employees on sick leave a growing problem in the Dutch healthcare sector. How can this be turned around?
  • In our snapshot we give an overview of Arene, a provider of digital general practitioner services

Update 2 August 2022

Update 2 August 2022

From the “bounced” emails I am receiving I see that many of you are already enjoying your holidays. I expect that many more of you will be on leave in August. I hope that you are all enjoying your breaks.

Even though the summer is a quiet time here in the Netherlands as well, there is still news to report. In this update we cover:

  • Consolidation continues in the Dutch healthcare sector. Who will be next to be acquired?
  • Acquisitions in the healthcare sector to become easier. Why is the ACM against this move?
  • High investment volume in the healthcare real estate sector in the first half of 2022. Will this continue?

Update 19 July 2022

Update 19 July 2022

I hope that you are enjoying nice summer weather (not too hot as in southern Europe and not too wet as in parts of northern Europe). Typically, updates cover between two and four different news items. However, this update will focus only on current developments and announcements from the government that will have a very large impact on the overall Dutch elderly care sector and will raise new strategic challenges for all types of organizations that are involved (directly or indirectly) with the sector. In earlier updates I have covered the plans of the government (see update of 12 April for an initial view on the plans to not build any additional nursing homes and the update of 1 June giving an overview of the government’s plans for reducing healthcare expenditure.

In recent statements the government has clarified some of the issues resulting from the earlier statements and has clearer plans for implementing many of the suggested changes. Based on this, it makes sense to present a broad overview of the plans presented by the government and give a first-cut view of what the suggested changes entail for the different types of organizations active in the sector.


Update 5 July 2022

Update 5 July 2022

It was great seeing many of you last week at the HBI conference in London. The presentations and discussions were (as always) good, but played a secondary role to meeting and talking face-to-face with old and new friends. A special welcome to the people I met in London and who are now receiving my updates on the Dutch

In this update on the Dutch healthcare sector, we cover:

  • Actief Zorg continues growing through acquisitions. Is the strategy to become a national homecare provider?
  • Hospitals had reasonable results in 2021. Do they have the financial strength to meet coming challenges?
  • Government takes a more active role in developing interoperability between systems and data flows between healthcare operators. Will it help the sector solve key problems?
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