Rune Aresvik has an extensive experience in carrying out complex projects with the involvement of a wide range of client staff from different parts of a company. Based on his extensive consulting experience he believes that companies outsource too much work to external consultants and should do more complex projects using in-house resources. He has published extensively on how companies can improve their ability to carry out complex projects:
This is an article giving a total overview of why internal projects often are not successful and what needs to be changed.
This is a link to a blog where Rune Aresvik has commented on specific situations related to carrying out complex projects.
Rune Aresvik is often used as a market expert by Healthcare Business International and provides comments on news items related to the Dutch market. He was also asked to lead a round-table discussion on investment opportunities in the Dutch the Dutch healthcare market at the 2018 HBI conference in London. This is a link to the presentation used .
Rune Aresvik send out a bi-weekly update on the (commercial) Dutch healthcare sector: