Welcome to the newest update on private healthcare in The Netherlands. In this newsletter, the focus is very much on weak financial results 2016 for Dutch healthcare organizations:
- Deloitte has published an overview of the financial results of the Dutch healthcare sector. Do the weak results give a reason for entering the Dutch market or are they a warning signal?
- Hospital Group Twente expects losses for 2017 and see the need to reduce costs with €10-15 million. Why is this hospital not able to make returns in line with the industry average?
- Careyn (€500 million revenues mostly from elderly care) faces a combination of financial losses and a position on the public “black list” for low quality. Can it manage a turn-around on its own?
- Welzorg, supplier of wheelchairs and other material for the elderly has made cumulative losses of €50 million since 2013. Can it be saved?
- In our Snapshot we give an overview of Buurtzorg, the best-known Dutch care organizations.